You'll typically find excellent astronomy resources in your local area. Groups and organizations are typically centred in urban areas or in conjunction with an educational post-secondary institution. Prince Edward Island is no exception. The links below offer a connection to a few groups involved in astronomy in this part of the world.
The UPEI Physics Department operates an observatory located on campus in Charlottetown, PEI. They offer public viewings when the weather allows. It's a great opportunity for those who are interested in getting started. You can visit their website for more information. It is located here.
Sidewalk astronomy is done all over the world, usually by amateur astronomers who take their telescopes out to public places to show people the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and more, all free of charge. Charlottetown has such a group. One such amateur even maintains his own website, which you can visit here.
The RASC is the parent organization for all regional centres in Canada. Although Prince Edward Island does not have it's own centre, there is one nearby in New Brunswick. The RASC's website can be found here.